Defence Sea

Drivetrain has a long standing relationship of supporting and executing major defence projects. We provide engineering design, consulting and through life support (TLS) services for several Defence assets including the Australian Navy’s Collins Class Submarines – the second largest non-nuclear powered submarines in the world.

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In conjunction with Hedemora Turbo and Diesel Drivetrain provides the OEM Diesel engine spares for the Hedemora Diesels onboard the Collins Class submarines. Working closely with ASC we have a goods contract in place to provide these parts to the Commonwealth (CoA).

Drivetrain pride themselves in offering support and training for junior sailors including engine diagnostic testing, engine component installation and inspections, fuel pump and injector testing. Training is provided onsite at the Land Base Test Facility on Garden Island, Western Australia or at Drivetrain’s workshop located in Welshpool, Western Australia.

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30 years experience
Tailored end to end solutions
Outstanding service
Flexibility and reliability
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